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JiaqiQuinoa hybrid crossing progress (3)

更新时间:2017-09-25作者:藜麦-稼祺藜麦-携手国际行业领军-创新藜麦产品浏览:37759 返回列表

Continue to report about our quinoa crossing progress.

Some foreign friends from Linkedin and Twitter want to know more about our progress and crossing details. I would like to explain more details and hope it is clear for you. But I think it is a practical job and need more experience. So please grow quinoa in your convenient site such as office if the light and temperature is fine or experiment site that it will help you get some experience.

Here are some of the details :


1.    Choose correct parents for matching

2.    You need to know the flowering time of your paired male and female plants. Maybe you have to plant the seeds at different times ,if you don’t know much about your experiment material We suggest you arrange more sowing times . Say 7 days apart and sowing 3 times that may save your time and you have more practices.

3.    If you are doing the crossing first time you’d better choose different color as male and female. Strongly suggest take white seed as female and black/red seed as male.

4.    Proper stage of the flower. It depends your material but your’d better take the early flower as target.

5.    Position of the female flower is critical for success. Tip flower is the better choice than the other location.

6.    Emasculation the pollen completely before the pollen mature and don’t damage the female parts.

7.    Collect fresh mature pollen from male plant

8.    Brushing the pollen on the emasculate flower.

9.    Taged the plants and recorded in your laptop or note book about the details.

10. Cover with paper bag for 5 days.

11. Take away of the bag

12. Check the pollinate flower if it is health then .

13. Cut all the rest of the flower around the pollinated seed keep it easy to see.

14. Maybe need more time to cut the non-target parts around the target for several times because you will find some of the small twigs or seeds may grow faster than the pollinated seed it make it can’t recognize among the panicle.

15. Harvest the seeds

The hybrid seeds may mature faster than the others from the same panicle.The seeds will be the same color as the female one (white).

16. How to identify the crossing is success?

Sowing the bybrid seeds waiting for the result ,my experience is that the F1 plant’s color looks like black or red and the panicle is more like white seed’s plant. And you will harvest red/black seeds accordingly.

17 Success!


Second stage of hybrid crossing

The aims that we build the hybrid skills are for improve some of the characteristics of some of our varieties. Especially we plan to sovle some problems such as sprouting ,logging fallen,heat tolerance and so on. So we have done some further crossing related the production troubles.

Here are some of crossing matching pairs we have done this summer:

A.    HighXshort (try to shorten the plant make it stranger)

B.    Easy sprouting variety X dormant variety

C.   Big white seeds(high protein) X normal size seeds with high yield

D.   Branching X non-branching



We have harvested about 500 hybrid crossing seeds during the past season and we have sown them in our trials greenhouses. Waiting for the seeds from F1 .

And We also have sown the F2 seeds expecting some useful characteristic appear.


Here are some of the photos of our trials. (morephotos please check from the first two articles of quinoa crossing method from our website :www.jqlm.com)

Quinoa flower complete




Pollination with brush






Cut the non-target parts


Hybrid seeds successful


F1 plants


F1 produced seeds


F1’s panicle


F2 seeds(RedXwhite)



Waiting for your comments.

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